Bambi Blue – Barracuda Girl

Bambi Blue – Barracuda Girl

Katey Scott aka Bambi Blue – Barracuda Girl video shoot So hot on the back of posting my first wedding blog of the year last week, here is my first burlesque blog in about four years.  To be fair that’s partly because I haven’t shot any burlesque in...
Friday Photo: Everybody Street Soho Pride

Friday Photo: Everybody Street Soho Pride

Everybody Street, Soho Pride So I’m not going to say too much about today’s image.  I feel like I’ve banged on about film in plenty of other Friday Photo blog posts.  All I’m going to say is look at it.  How does it do that?  It seems so rich...
Boudoir Fashion Photography with Miss Issy Love

Boudoir Fashion Photography with Miss Issy Love

Boudoir Fashion Photography… Is it giving too much away if I tell you that Issy turned up to our shoot in Gloucester Place with her crushed afro jammed into a beaten-up carrier bag?  No, I don’t think it does to be honest.  Not with Issy anyway.  Issy...